Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Betty White Awards and Coaching Morons

What are you doing? No seriously what are you doing? Your a grown man gesturing to a COLLEGE kid right before he makes the kick to beat you. This would be considered absolutely Reggie Bush league in the NFL and it is absolutely unacceptable in College. Dont get mad that you got thrashed by a Florida offense who for the most part has been bad this year. If I was Chas Henry I would walk over to big bad ass Todd Grantham and tell him to suck my cleats. I was actually pulling for UGA to beat Florida as this would have basically sealed the deal for USC to represent the East in the SEC title game. I cant wait for Todd Grantham to take that defense down to Auburn and get mauled again.

The Weekend Betty White Awards

Get these people a Snickers bc they are playing like Betty White

  1. The Cowboys. Are you kidding me? You easily have the most talent of any team in the league and you are 1-6. 1 in freaking 6. Im so glad im not a Cowboys fan or I would have probolby killed someone by now.
  2. Michigan State and Missouri. Welcome back to Earth. Michigan State was flatter than my kid sister and Missouri was out of it before they knew what hit them. Way to take charge of your season.
  3. Brett Favre. Retire already bro.
  4. Notre Dame. I hate doing this but you dedicated the game to the student who died earlier in the week. You got beat by Tulsa! Cmon man thats bad. That is really bad.
  5. Brad "Chilly" Childress. Way to utilize the greatest downfield receiver this generation has seen. Also, worst challenge I have ever seen in my life on the Tate catch. Pack your bags. Hasta Luego!


Anonymous said...

Betty White awards...okay you're officially crazy now!



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